Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Power of Christian Culture: The Voice

Christian t-shirts. Christian music. Christian books. Christian stores. Christian things. There is a Christian subculture - a Christian bubble, if you will - that we have formed around us. Some would argue that this Christian culture is inevitable because it just comes with the territory. But, no matter if it is formed on purpose or just naturally, there is a Christian culture.

And this Christian culture is incredibly interesting. It is something that does not get a lot of attention even though it affects the lives of countless Christians and non-Christians. Nobody is really in charge of it even though everyone contributes to it. The entire Christian culture is something that helps define the Church and adds to its reputation. It says something about Christianity.

And that's where things get interesting.

Christian culture has power. Christian culture has a voice. No matter how much it would deny it or pretend that it did not have influence - it does. No matter if it does not think that it is saying anything - it is. Christian culture has power and a voice.

But the question is this: What is the powerful voice of Christian culture saying?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Christian Movie Subculture: Kirk Cameron

The subculture of Christianity is hilarious. It really, really is. One of the most funny things deals with our movies. Literally, in every Christian movie that means anything - Kirk Cameron has to be involved.

Kirk Cameron used to be the star of Growing Pains. But now that he is a Christian, he is the star of every single Christian movie. There cannot be a Christian movie without him. From Left Behind I and II to the new movie FireProof - there cannot be a Christian movie without him.

Put it to the test.

It's hilarious.

I love Christianity.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

T-Shirts: Not the Format for Full Messages

Here is a really quick thought that we all need to realize. As much as we are loath to admit it - t-shirts are a terrible format to communicate a message. They really are. They may be extremely effective, but they are not very good. That probably doesn't make any sense, but let me explain.

The main problem comes in the length. With t-shirts, you simply cannnot put that much information on it. For example, I was looking through a magazine recently, and they had an advertisement for an anti-abortion organization. The organization was promoting one of their newest anti-abortion shirts. But the shirt only said "Abortion is Murder". That was all the room that the shirt had. But that is not enough room for whole message to be spread. I cannot believe that the message for the whole organization could be summed up in that phrase. I definitely know that the entire abortion issue is so much bigger than simply that phrase. It is just a horrible formate for an anti-abortion organization to try to fit their entire message into a few words or phrases on a t-shirt.

It is not only unwise for organizations to try to sum up difficult messages on a t-shirt, but it is also dangerous. These messages simply cannot be filtered down to a short phrase. These things lose so much of their value when they are made into catch phrases and sound bites (or shirt bites). In fact, they lose so much of their message that the message that they do communicate is dangerously different. Important things cannot and should not be relegated to catchy phrases or only a few words. They lose the wholeness, the heart, and the substance of the message.

So t-shirts are just not a very good format for sharing messages. I mean, they are - because everyone wears them and everyone sees them. But they are not good formats because they force the message to fit into this little tiny box. Organizations that have important messages shouldn't seek to communicate who they are through t-shirts.

It is just dumb and dangerous.

And organizations should not try to take the substance out of their message just to put it on a t-shirt. Maybe sweatpants because there is more room though...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Change the Culture

Ok, let's face it. Christian tshirts are really dumb.

Actually, let's be honest. Christian tshirts are really really dumb.

And we need to fix it.

Christian clothing is a very tangible representation of Christian culture. What if the New York Yankees had the best baseball team in the world (which they have for a long time), but their apparel and hats and uniforms and things were just really old, not cool, and out of touch? Would that make any sense? Why wouldn't they update them? What would that say about them?

Christian clothing is the same way. Our Christian tshirts speak volumes about Christians and the Christian culture that we have created. So what is it saying? Right now it says that we are a faith that is very prideful and arrogant (with shirts simply saying how we are "God's Chic" and that we are going to heaven and such...). It says that we are riding on the coat-tails of the world and that we are not really very funny or relevant (through parody shirts based on companies and products and slogans). It says that we are out of touch with where society is and where society is going (through ridiculously old designs and graphics).

Besides missing the potential for opportunity, current Christian tshirts are hurting Christianity. They have painted our Christian culture as something that is out-of-date, out-of-touch, and full of ourselves. Even though this is a very small part of the Church, it is one of the most visible aspects of our faith. And we are just failing at it to the point that it is hurting us.

And most of us don't even realize it.

Adam Apparel is here to change that. With this site and our shirts, we want to expose the problems of current Christian tshirts and Christian culture. But we cannot do this alone. We all have to get on board to change the way we do things and change our reputation.

So join with us - and let's change the culture of Christianity.... one tshirt at a time.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Adam Apparel: An Over- and Under-View

Christian clothes are one of the most unique subsets of society in the world. I have no idea how this small section of such a storied religion can be focused upon cheesy parodies that make the wearer look like a complete fool. It is unbelievable that the faith of literally billions of people on this earth has such a poor representation from its tshirts. It is as if Christian clothing is a world of its own - a world where dumb knockoffs are cool and prideful overstatements are all the rage.

But Adam Apparel is a Christian clothes company for a different world that we like to call reality. Adam Apparel is all about making Christian tshirts and designs that reflect true Christianity and relevant Christian. We aren't flashy, but we are consistent. Our message isn't in your face, but it is there if you want to see it. We are not living in the past, but our designs are for life in the present. We are not dumb or condescending, instead we try to have fun and represent good life. Adam Apparel is not your average Christian clothing company, and, as a result, we do not make the average Christian tshirts that you are used to seeing.

So if you are searching for a Christian tshirt that isn't ridiculously cheesy or incredibly awkard - then you have come to the right place. Check out some designs, let us know what you think, and help us move Christian culture tshirt at a time.
